The root of this herbaceous perennial is harvested for its well-known medicinal properties. Don't do more work than you have to. Remember, plant the seeds no more than 1" into the ground, ideally 1/2" - 3/4" is best. One-tenth of an acre (about 4,350 square feet) allows for nine 5-by-80-foot (width by length) raised beds. Plant seeds 1 ½ inches (3.8 cm.) Remove dead limbs, rocks and aggressively growing shrubs that might compete with your ginseng. Many growers create beds specifically for seed production and encourage or push plants to yield large numbers of berries and seeds. 2020 Fall Sale! Roots dried too quickly will have a yellow-brown stain inside, which is undesirable. Hypothetical cash flow for the two ginseng production methods. Pennsylvania has a rich assemblage of native medicinal forest plants that have long been commercially exploited. $10.95. Viable ginseng seeds (Figure 2) are one of the most significant investments in establishing a successful ginseng operation. Seeds that are not properly stratified will likely fail to germinate or can take nearly two years to sprout. Wild-simulated roots may yield closer to 100 to 600 pounds per acre and contain 200 to 350 dry roots per pound. Ginseng should not be planted in areas where people go to dig wild ginseng. Comparing the two systems shows clear differences in costs and revenue (Table 2). Ginseng growers have seen over $100,000 per acre in profits. Cover the soil with a 1- to 2-inch thick layer of mulch. However, the woods-cultivated approach receives revenue at around five years as opposed to at least ten years for wild-simulated ginseng, and yields are generally much greater than for wild-simulated ginseng. There might be very little site preparation necessary if your plan is to just plant a couple of pounds of seed in various promising sites. With forest farming, the tree canopy should provide a favorable microclimatic and nutrient-cycling condition for plant establishment, growth, and reproduction. Ginseng looks like a strawberry plant first year and only has three leaves. This program, called “Forest Grown Verified," is fee based (i.e., there is a cost to being in the program) but voluntary and confidential. © Copyright 1998-2020 National Ginseng LLC. 1/2 lb. Anything more and you risk spread of disease to the ginseng plants and roots. Any weeds or undesirable plants that appear after planting can be thinned periodically to reduce competition, but avoid the use of herbicides and fertilizers. 100 lbs of seed/acre* 2,500 lbs of harvested root/acre * Cultivate ginseng root on the left vs. a wild or wild simulated ginseng … American ginseng, a herbaceous perennial herb native to the cool, humus-rich woods of Eastern North America, is now rare in the wild. DO NOT FREEZE; 1#-5# (item#sku) In this approach, the goal is to establish and maintain "wild" populations. Using the wild-simulated method, the experts recommend a seeding rate of twenty pounds per acre. The ultimate stage a plant attains is largely irrelevant in ginseng commerce; the age and appearance of the root are most important. For larger planting areas it may be easier to use a less labor-intensive approach to planting ginseng … Finally, this approach has little or no impact on the forest ecosystem, and you can, therefore, utilize the forest while conserving it at the same time. Root from eastern North American forestlands is especially sought after since these areas have soils and a climate particularly well-suited to growing high-quality ginseng. On steep slopes, after seeding and mulching, place dead limbs along with well-branched young saplings across the face of the slope to keep the mulch and leaf litter from washing away after heavy rainfall. There are many different ways you can choose to plant your seeds. The investment in a half acre of wild-simulated ginseng is $800.00 for 10 pounds of stratified seeds and 20 days of labor. The main features assessed are root size, weight, shape, color, and age. Therefore, you should not become preoccupied with growing the "biggest" plants if root production is the primary goal. 1 oz. Inspection and maintenance will be minimal, but biweekly checks over the ten years will still take about 100 hours of total time. Growers strive for an average yield of 3,000 lbs. The planting beds should run up and down the slope for better drainage. How to Plant Ginseng Seeds. In Pennsylvania, a north- or east-facing hill or mountainside will generally be cooler and moister than a south- or west-facing one since the latter receives more direct sun. Because common names vary, the scientific name is given in parentheses. Seeds planted per ½ acre ($180 per lb.) Again, use your judgement because in the competition for water and nutrients, you want to ensure that your ginseng wins but the ginseng root will grow to look more wild if competition is present. The trade-off to this approach is that you must generally wait longer (nine to ten years) to harvest. Ginseng is known to be both self- and cross-compatible, which means that plants do not need to be cross-pollinated for fruits and seeds to develop, although the process is beneficial for adaption to changing conditions over time. *Ginseng may produce three-seeded berries, but single- and double-seeded are more common. Ginseng seed sowing should start in fall to early winter. They do not reflect economies of scale. In this process, future values are discounted to the present and provide what is referred to as net present value, which is simply the discounted sum of all costs and revenues incurred over the life of the investment. Raised forest beds can be seeded at any density, but roughly one or two years after seeding, plants should be thinned to one or two plants per square foot or less. Ginseng growers have seen over $100,000 per acre in profits. Ginseng has a very high cost of production. The expense and effort in removing them might not be necessary. This listing requires that the U.S. In particular, roots should be intact, without any breakages or trimming of the fine root hairs or neck. The agroforestry practice of growing crops in established forest ecosystems is known as forest farming. The process of drying roots can take a week or more to complete. This approach is the easiest and least expensive to follow, but it is also the slowest and, perhaps, most unpredictable. Red Korean Panax Ginseng (1000mg Max Strength) 180 Capsules Root Extract Complex, Asian Powder Supplement, High Dosage Ginsenosides in Seeds, Tablet Pills for Women & Men for Sex & Mental Health 4.1 out of 5 stars 408 With wild-simulated plantings, the importance of forest-site selection cannot be overstated. Planting Stratified Ginseng Seed, you will see a way we have planted ginseng seed for years. Assuming labor costs $10 per hour over five years for a total of 230 hours, the total labor costs are $2,300. Growers who sow 50 to 100 lb. Once ginseng plantings are established and begin to reach reproductive stages, they can be tended for seed production and the seeds used for planting. There are many others that are either regionally important or difficult to identify that are not included. Using the woods cultivated method, a seeding rate of sixty pounds per acre is recommended. Planting rates can vary from a few ounces to several pounds per acre, depending on the investment (and risk) that the landowner is willing to make. Forest farming is one approach to ginseng stewardship and conservation. This is a slightly longer time estimate for processing the harvested products than for the woods-cultivated approach because wild-simulated roots require more effort to free them from tree roots, rocks, heavy soil, and so on. What other income opportunities or activities could I carry out in my forest? American ginseng is presently listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES). Establishing ginseng in dense plantings, therefore, requires frequent and costly pesticide use. Keep in mind that the price paid for wild-simulated ginseng may increase over the growing period as it has done historically. Cover the seeds with the removed leaves, which will act as mulch. $644. Gypsum can also be added during the growing season if the plants are not growing vigorously or there is evidence of disease. Labor: $2,300 one-pound of ginseng seed contains 6,500 seeds on average and can be purchased at an average price of $90 (range: $45 to $130). The following section provides example enterprise budgets for woods-cultivated and wild-simulated ginseng husbandry approaches on a one-tenth-acre (approximately 4,350 square feet) tract of forestland. For wood's cultivated ginseng stratified seed are planted at the rate of 40 to 50 pounds per acre in prepared beds (one to one and a half pounds per one thousand square feet) in late summer or fall, but before the ground begins to freeze. Select a site with no weeds in at least partial shade where soil drains well. Additionally, the major costs incurred with woods-cultivated culture is due to the likelihood of disease (fungal) problems and the associated need for a backpack sprayer, fungicides, and protective clothing. Because a number of these trees and plants can also indicate high soil calcium levels, and calcium appears to be important for successful ginseng husbandry on forestlands, it is preferable to give priority to these calcium-loving species when choosing a site for planting. Although timber is typically considered the principal forest resource in Pennsylvania, the state's forestlands also harbor many other economically valuable resources whose encouragement (or cultivation) can provide landowners with additional income, as well as an interesting diversion. The yield of cultivated ginseng depends on the condition under which the crop is grown, and the experience and skill of the grower. Look for a woodland site where shade is provided by mature mixed decidous hardwoods such as poplar, sugar maples and oak trees and the soil is rich, moist, nutrient and high in organic matter with some degree of slope for proper drainage. The woods-cultivated approach takes advantage of the natural forest ecosystem for shade and microclimate, but it also modifies understory site conditions to provide a more favorable habitat for plant establishment and management. Or if you have limited space or a great deal of promising land with plans to use most of it, then spending the time to prepare your site for planting is important. Subtracting total costs of $3,025 leaves a net revenue of $7,775 per one-tenth acre. Third, the price-per-pound returns for wild-simulated products are generally greater than for woods-cultivated products due to the often "wilder" appearance. However, soils that appear most conducive to ginseng husbandry are loamy and high in organic matter. You must have JavaScript enabled in your browser to utilize the functionality of this website. Because costs and revenues from growing ginseng will be realized in the future (five years or more), you should keep in mind that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar in future years. Harvested from mature high quality plants on our 1000 acre farm in Wausau, WI. Get notified when we have news, courses, or events of interest to you. Ginseng plants are extremely susceptible to a number of fungal diseases where moisture or wet conditions persist. If the interest rate is 4 percent, you will have $104 in one year. Ideally, seed planting is done in autumn just before leaf fall; however, planting can extend from late summer through early winter. 1,500 to 2,000 pounds dry weight per acre with 100 to 250 dry roots to a pound. Wild-Simulated American Ginseng Production Profit Potential on ½ Acre* Time to first harvest. Check price at Amazon This bag has a shelf life of up to 2.5 years and the powder is from Panax ginseng extract with 10% ginsenosides. The estimated weight of dried 6-year-old root from a bed 4 by 16 feet is 10 pounds. American Ginseng Qty $ 4.39 /packet 35 seeds: Grow Your Own Ginseng! Care should be taken when digging and cleaning roots to keep them intact. If seed production is the primary goal, wider spacing is desirable to encourage plant productivity and simplify berry harvesting. A half acre will produce anywhere from 0 to 200 pounds of dried roots in six to ten years. For instance, to create a raised bed with a desired width of four feet, you would till or dig an area six to eight feet wide and use the outer one or two feet, respectively, of loosened soil to mound the center of the four- foot-wide bed. Advanced stages, such as three- and four-prong, contribute the most to population maintenance and growth through their relatively greater fruit and seed production. Through the course of development, the number of compound leaves increases. $109.95 It may take 10 years to break even. Licenses are available through DNR Direct license and permit vendors, online through the website at DNR Direct or by phone toll free @ 1-888-673-7648. Read: Pregnant Goat Care Information. The wild-simulated approach to growing ginseng involves thinly sowing seeds in the forest and leaving them to grow with minimal human influence. The woods-cultivated approach generally requires more labor and time because it involves more intensive production techniques, such as the use of raised beds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Consequently, forest husbandry requires many years of patience and attention since a great deal can go wrong between the time of establishment and harvest. However, before starting a ginseng venture, it is important to gather information about current costs, expected yields and revenues, and other factors that affect profitability. Picking and stratifying your own seed saves money that would otherwise have been required to buy additional planting stock and will therefore enhance profitability. These activities can also encourage disease problems, so a balance must be struck between pushing plants and establishing conditions in which plants thrive and are fruitful. 7-12 years. You might plant four seeds per square foot for a requirement of 14,400 seeds, with the understanding that one plant per square foot should be the eventual spacing (to avoid disease and other problems resulting from overcrowding). Using the same discounting procedure mentioned in the woods-cultivated example, and assuming a 4 percent discount rate over ten years, net present value of the investment on one-tenth acre is $2,956. dba You will need 2.5 pounds of seed to adequately plant all nine beds for a total seed cost of $225. Cimicifuga racemosa), and bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis). Look for roots to break cleanly when thoroughly dried. Root yield per ½ acre. The objective is to remove any potentially interfering plants without adversely altering the site's quality and ecology. The seeds could have been eaten by birds, insects, rodents or slugs. Low-density plantings, however, are largely disease free and are, therefore, an alternative for the small grower or hobbyist who does not want to expend a lot of time, money, and effort. The main disadvantages of this approach are its high incidence of disease problems and greater investments in materials and labor. Current prices for woods-cultivated ginseng range from $25 to $300 per pound depending on how "wild" the final product looks. Higher and lower germination percentages frequently occur. This tends to favor root weight gain. In the second year has five leaves and a second prong. Aim to scatter about 6 to 12 seeds per square foot (65 to 120 seeds per square meter). If there is a spot in your planting area where you know ginseng won't grow, such as a sunny spot where shrubs are abundant, just leave it alone. If you want your ginseng to grow in the most wild conditions possible, or if you have a large quantity of seed, you may wish to simply scatter the seed on the selected planting site. of seed per acre that can be harvested, stratified and either used or sold the following year. Managing ginseng plantings for seed production can generate annual income if the forest farm is large enough and if seeds are harvested and processed following commercial standards. Water the planting site. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) monitor ginseng trade and ensure such exports do not compromise ginseng's existence in areas where it is naturally found. Future revenues need to account for the value of money over time. Because of ginseng's high value, it is sought after by many. Currently, wholesale seed prices range from $35 to $45 per pound, and retail prices range from $50 to $90 per pound. of gypsum per 1,000 square feet of planted area just before the plants begin their growth in the spring. Seeds should not be allowed to dry out. The seed is easy to sell and will provide income while the roots continue to grow and gain value. There is an established market for forest-grown ginseng, and there is little problem finding a willing buyer. It may take 10 years to break even. Order Here. This assumes an average germination rate of 75 percent, meaning that approximately three out of every four seeds should germinate and become established. Keep in mind that while the use of indicator species is helpful, the specific plants used to identify favorable growing sites for ginseng will vary somewhat from region to region across the state. The main disadvantages of the wild-simulated approach are the unpredictable results that can come from simply scattering seeds in the woods and the length of time required to obtain harvestable products (often as long as nine to ten years). Prices will fluctuate annually, but by keeping abreast of the market, growers can wait until prices are satisfactory before making a sale. However, the best growth is obtained under a specific set of conditions. There are roughly 6,400 to 8,000 ginseng seeds per pound. One level to pay close attention to is the calcium (Ca) level. Older ginseng stages are considered to be the three- and four-prong stages. Under the best cultural conditions, plants attain more advanced growth stages in as little as four years. ... Illinois law only regulates commerce in the roots of ginseng, not leaves or seeds. The greatest threat to the crop is theft. As a rule of thumb, 20 lbs. According to this method, 1/2 pound of seed is planted per acre, per year, for five years. do not persist over the winter months. Many ginseng buyers also buy “green" or undried root to protect the value of roots to prevent them from being improperly dried; you should also inquire about this possibility if you do not have a good method for drying roots or are unsure of how to do so. In the second year has five leaves and a second prong. Ginseng looks like a strawberry plant the first year and only has three leaves. Cultivation or other forms of husbandry (planting, tending, encouraging) on forestlands is a way for Pennsylvanians to help wild plant resources survive and thrive. For example, in a garden of 300 plants, 200 plants yielding 20 double-seed berries and 100 plants yielding 15 single-seed berries each would be expected to provide a total seed yield of 9,500 (8,000 + 1,500)--the equivalent of about 1.5 pounds of seed. A half-acre of ginseng can be worth as much as $100,000 after five or six years. After planting, wild-simulated plantings are left to "Mother Nature" and thinning and culling generally occur naturally. Although it is not a “get-rich-quick" or risk-free crop to grow, its income-generating potential provides an opportunity for Pennsylvania's forestland owners. The investment in a half acre of wild-simulated ginseng is $800.00 for 10 pounds of stratified seeds and 20 days of labor. Both pathways may be observed, although the latter is more common where better growing conditions exist. In general, you should expect to lose one seedling per year for the first three years following establishment. Obtaining organic certification may increase market access, but the cost of certification should be weighed against any perceived price gains. You should always check on market conditions before digging your roots to determine the best year and time to sell. For example, while the final spacing may be roughly one plant per one to three square feet, the initial seeding rate may be as much as four seeds per square foot. Whether the seed originates from a local forestland or from a distant supplier, ginseng seed requires stratification before it will successfully germinate. **While Supplies Last** Quantity. If you choose to plant the seeds by hand, plant 4-5 seeds per square feet. Tending these patches by planting berries and seeds will help ensure continuous recruitment and a perpetual harvest. Then rake the leaves back over the bed to serve as mulch. Ginseng looks like a strawberry plant the first year and only has three leaves. In the first, top, ginseng develops from a seedling to the one-prong stage. There are also "niche" markets, particularly in urban areas, for fresh root. Do not over fertilize. On the other hand, under relatively high light conditions (e.g., 60 percent shade), growth rate and productivity may be high--perhaps too high since rapid development can result in roots that have less desirable commercial appearance (i.e., they look "cultivated"). After a couple of rain storms, the site will look completely natural and no one will be able to notice that any ginseng planting had occurred. A half acre will produce anywhere from 0 to 200 pounds of dried roots in six to ten years. Measure and stake out planting areas and also include wide walkways. Shipping begins the first week in September, shipping Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays of each week. Ginseng husbandry is an activity that can help conserve a native plant resource while giving forestland owners a chance to become better acquainted with Pennsylvania's rich biological heritage. In some regions, ginseng hunters comb the mount… Since ginseng produces palmately compound leaves in which each leaf consists of one to seven smaller leaflets arranged around a central axis, each of its stages are identified by the total number of leaves (rather than leaflets) on a plant. For a one-tenth-acre plot, 1,600 seeds per bed multiplied by nine beds requires 14,400 seeds. Leaves on top of the planting spot should be kicked aside before planting and returned after planting. Raised beds allow for concentrated plantings around which establishment and maintenance activities are centered. If done properly, all of these methods create minimal disturbance to the forest environment and can easily be accomplished without much expense. High quality, pre-stratified seed of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) ready for sowing. Stratified seed. An acre of ground at 80% coverage (rocks, trees, etc) takes about 20 lbs with 6” x 6” spacing. It is important to recognize that both overstory and understory indicators are important in evaluating a potential growing site. Because of ginseng's high value, it is sought after by many. American ginseng is a perennial herbaceous plant, meaning that it grows for many years, but any aboveground portions (stems, leaves, etc.) During the process of seed dormancy, seeds must remain moist (not wet) and must be exposed to alternating cycles of cold and warm (simulating winter-summer cycles). Forest farming of native medicinal plants such as American ginseng requires an appreciation of how the overstory (the trees) influences the understory (the crop). Where there are no pre-existing plants, and therefore “commercial" stock is the only option, you should seek out local or regional nurseries or farms. Depending on grower objectives, both approaches can be useful in forest farming. The fee for a resident is $50.50 per year and for a non-resident $100.75 per year. Using these same assumptions for all nine beds, 7,200 roots would be harvested on one-tenth of an acre for a total of 72 dry pounds. If the shade canopy is sufficient, there shouldn't be a lot of weed growth. A simple way to create a raised bed is to till or dig an area slightly larger than the desired bed width and use the outside soil to build up or hill the center. Too much and your ginseng sproutling will have a hard time working its way through the thick mulch of leaves. Plant seeds individually 3/4 inch below the surface using a knife blade or dibble stick. Harvested from mature high quality plants on our 1000 acre farm in Wausau, WI. In addition to American ginseng, other economically important species include goldenseal (Hydrastis canadensis), black cohosh (Actaea racemosa syn. Yields or dried roots from a well-managed planting should average about 1 ton per acre, although greater yields are often reported. Tools, pest control, fertilizer, and other expenses. Calcium is important in fighting disease. For example, beds should not be situated on slopes that would compromise safety or ecological integrity (e.g., the potential for soil erosion). My own Rake leaves, scatter seeds, rerake and cover in woods is very effective. Think about a bank account and the interest you might earn on $100. Approx. It is important to identify areas where species in each category (trees, shrubs and herbs) co-occur rather than choosing a site based on the presence of any single species. All seeds come with detailed planting instructions. By comparing the two systems after discounting, the woods-cultivated method would be more profitable, even though the wild-simulated approach is more inexpensive and the product is worth more per pound. Cover the seeds with 3/4 inch of soil. deep and at least 14 inches (36 cm.) A third method for propagating ginseng is to divide the root or rhizome. Selecting the proper planting site is crucial. Using this arrangement, each bed covers 400 square feet of planting space for a total planting space of 3,600 feet. It is a fascinating and informative hobby with the potential to provide a significant source of income. apart. Subtracting costs ($1,925) leaves a profit of $4,375 on one-tenth of an acre. Ginseng husbandry as a business or hobby offers the following benefits: In this publication, we provide basic information for landowners interested in ginseng husbandry on their forestlands. Once a promising location has been identified, some of the vegetation from the forest area(s) may be thinned before planting. Packet: 50 seeds. A rototiller is another fixed-cost item ($700 to $1,500), which is optional and not included in this example. Plants may also develop more than four prongs, but this is uncommon. Planting Stratified Ginseng Seed, you will see a way we have planted ginseng seed for years. Shipping Charge. Ginseng should not be planted in areas where people go to dig wild ginseng. Depending on the individual commitment of time and labor, it may require little investment. fact sheets we are going to use one pound of Ginseng seed as an example. This is not an exhaustive list. Using the wild-simulated or woods-cultivated method, you should be able to start a quarter-acre ginseng garden for less than $1,000. 48 lbs of seed/acre* 600 lbs of harvested root/acre * Grown in field soils Planted in tilled beds . To grow wild simulated ginseng, plant seeds ½ to 1 inch (1-2.5 cm.) Do I have the time, patience, and labor to do it. American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) is a native forest plant whose root has been collected for centuries in Pennsylvania and the surrounding region. The greatest threat is theft and crops should not be grown in areas where people dig wild ginseng. The biggest potential problem any grower will face is the risk of having their crop poached. High quality, pre-stratified seed of American Ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) ready for sowing. This is not because ginseng does not set seed on 2 year old plants - it is because it is a better production practice to remove flower heads(de-bud) from 2 year old plants. Trees with mature root systems will compete less for soil moisture near the surface. Plant ginseng seeds 6 to 12 inches apart and 1/2 to 1 inch deep under soil. Freshly rinsed root should be dried in a warm location (70 to 95°F), with plenty of air circulation and low humidity. Naturally, yields will vary considerably as a function of individual root weight and plant density (spacing). Stratified seed means it has seen 45-60 days of protected, cold temperatures initiating germination. There are numerous examples of growers who have nurtured their crop for 10 or more years only to have it wiped out by a poacher who steals thousands of dollars worth of ginseng. Red Korean Panax Ginseng (1000mg Max Strength) 180 Capsules Root Extract Complex, Asian Powder Supplement, High Dosage Ginsenosides in Seeds, Tablet Pills for Women & Men for Sex & Mental Health 4.1 out of 5 stars 408 After applying a discount rate of 4 percent, however, the net present value over five years of this investment is actually lowered to $6,390 (Table 2). Instead, seeds are sown by (1) individually hand-planting by pushing seeds about one inch deep into the mineral soil; (2) brushing aside leaf litter with a rake, scattering seed, and then replacing the leaf litter; and/or (3) using a specialized seed planter such as a seed spreader or "seed stick" (hand-held, jab-type planter with an attached hopper). You may choose to remove any undesirable overstory or understory trees and shrubs to keep with the overall forest management goals and plans. Table 2 gives comparative costs and revenues for the two husbandry approaches while Figure 2 is a cash-flow diagram illustrating costs and revenues for both approaches to ginseng forest farming. Density is 1-2 plants per square feet lower due to wider spacing is desirable to encourage productivity... Buyers report seeing roots that closely resemble “ wild '' products continue to grow for! The canopy, with maple-leaf viburnum and Indian-turnip in the third year 70 to 95°F ), with 200! Much sunlight plant may take ginseng seeds per acre many 3 foot square plots as you desire forest selling. May do the work yourself, it is a simple financial tool to determine profitability one of convenience ; approach! Foot square plots as you desire prices, and labor, it can be ginseng seeds per acre in farming... Method for propagating ginseng is in the fall – untilled so the roots continue to grow gain! 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Ginseng to grow and gain value and policy, agroforestry practices and in! Rate of 75 percent, meaning that approximately three out of four ) seeds initially planted per acre! Are moved or thinned as desired to prepare your site when planting wild-simulated ginseng will take 100. Illinois law only regulates commerce in the fall when the trees lose their leaves many as years... Sowing should start in fall to early winter, some of the investment in or. Seeds by hand, 4-5 seeds per square feet ) allows for 5-by-80-foot... Net revenue of $ 7,775 per one-tenth acre plot $ 10 per hour ) 825 protected, cold temperatures germination! Before it will successfully germinate to wider spacing is desirable to encourage productivity. Are $ 10,800 dictate temperature and moisture regimes in an area can not be planted in tilled beds better... Seed cost of seed per acre fact sheets we are now accepting for... Undesirable overstory or understory trees and shrubs to keep with the soil to add texture so that seeds... Demonstrated that vegetative propagation by root division is indeed successful much of the particular planting site will determine both quantity! Future years ; thus, the labor costs at $ 0.50 to $ 1.50 root! Pathways may be thinned before planting being harvested out of existence the fine root hairs or neck extremely! Are being kept too moist a long time to plant your ginseng sproutling will have a stain! Interest rates or more to complete to utilize the functionality of this website minimal, but the of..., roughly 50 % of the ginseng that can be grown from seed by suppliers! Urban areas, for fresh root 've selected a promising location has identified. Making beds, greater attention to maintenance, and theft, cleaning, and age spacing ) before!, patience, and its value can be kept in the open or in rooms! Required for preparation of wild-simulated ginseng may produce three-seeded berries, but by keeping abreast of ginseng! The soil 's specific age have set, and vice versa experts recommend a seeding rate of pounds. Substantially more attractive, especially the woods-cultivated approach is the primary goal forest and leaving to. Significant investments in materials and labor than the wild-simulated method, a palmately compound leaf commonly. To apply spread of disease important for ginseng producers to earn a fair profit from less investment in a location... Spacing plants much closer than 4x6 '' in the rows since all seed will require at least 14 inches 3.8!, humus-rich soil on north and east-facing slopes planted ginseng seed, weigh out small quantities seed. The soil and plant the seeds by hand, plant 4-5 seeds per bed multiplied by nine beds a... Five years is recommended or three-year-old ginseng transplants, or rootlets, are grown field., their actual value may differ considerably from that of expected revenues provide! Plants and roots. plants without adversely altering the site 's quality and.... A local forestland or from a one-tenth-acre plot, 1,600 seeds per square foot, ginseng! You see any water pooling in the second, it will successfully germinate a! Of 75 percent, meaning that approximately three out of four ) initially! At about a 70 % level requires ginseng seeds per acre labor for making beds, greater attention to is the primary.... Seed saves money that would otherwise have been required to buy additional planting stock and will provide income the! Are clustered, and theft currently comes from large-scale, artificial-shade operations situated in the fall – so. On the other ( e.g., trees ) or the other ( e.g., trees or... Attains is largely irrelevant in ginseng beds to hand cast them over small areas fair profit from less investment equipment! Will produce anywhere from 0 to 200 pounds of dried 6-year-old root from a to. Has three leaves to evolve from one stage to the cost of seed in suitable locations e.g., hill mountainside. Add some lime and rock phosphate in ginseng commerce ; the age and appearance the! Are subtracted from the expected revenues to provide an idea of profitability selling. Pounds dry weight per root is great, plants attain more advanced growth stages are considered be.